Whispered Interpreting

Whispered Interpreting

Also called by its French name, “chuchotage” (whispering), whispered interpreting talks for itself. Instead of being the voice to be heard, the interpreter becomes the soft voice in the ear of his or her client who converts someone’s speech into another language. Interpreting by whispering is mostly used during meetings when a small group of participants does not speak the source language. It often occurs during business meetings, in order to agree on a partnership between two companies. The delegate(s) do not always understand each other’s language. Therefore, they use the services of a whisper interpreter who will be the one the delegate(s) will rely on.

whispered interpreting is considered as a sort of simultaneous interpreting, as the interpreter interprets directly to the delegate. Unlike consecutive interpreting, the interpreter enables both parties to save time, as she does not wait until the speaker finishes his or her speech to interpret to the delegate in his or her language.

Chuchotage is not an easy sort of interpreting. As all kinds of interpreting, it requires accuracy, rapidity, discretion and professionalism. Indeed, by whispering the interpreter must make sure that he or she speaks clearly and loudly enough to be heard and understood by the delegate. Yet, he or she also has to interpret discreetly and softly enough, so that the speaker is not bothered by the whispers. Moreover, the interpreter must stay focused on the speaker and not be distracted by surrounding noises such as jabbering from the other participants of the meeting.

Reliable Whispered Interpreters across the UK

At Birmingham Translation Agency, we also offer reliable, professional and qualified whispered interpreters for your meetings across the entire United Kingdom. Do not waste time by requesting a consecutive interpreter who will wait until the end of the speech to provide his or her interpreting and let the soft voice whispering in your ear all what you need to hear.